Raising Leaders, Transforming The World

To build and maintain a dynamic Men’s Fellowship that will be solid spiritually, physically, financially, and in other areas of life

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  • Build and maintain a dynamic Men’s Fellowship that will be solid spiritually, physically, financially, and in other areas of life.
  • Create structures and an ambience that portray COD as a ‘men-friendly’ church.
  • Recruit members into the executive committee of the Men’s Fellowship.
  • Organise activities that will attract men into the church.
  • Organise activities that will facilitate holistic development of men.
  • Ensure that the Men’s Fellowship consistently makes a positive impact on the church

Men all over the world today are faced with diverse range of challenges that some have turned to different measures to find strength, acceptance and a place to belong. At City of David, there is a dedicated ministry to men so that we can grow into what God wants us to be despite the challenges that we face. Our men are encouraged here to take on the instructions that God gave to Joshua when he was ordained to lead Israel to the promised land. It was a mandate to ‘be strong and of good courage’ Joshua 1 vs.6.

For us, sharpening and growth is a process and it happens through the various meetings, prayer sessions, forums and conferences that we have together as men.

The focus is on God that as he commanded Joshua to be strong and of good courage, we also, gain strentgh through reliance on God. On a practical level we are committed to three key areas – FAITH, FAMILY and FINANCE.


There is no way that a man will achieve and fulfil the purposes of God by mere self determination except through a rugged sense of dependence on God. This is because God’s vision to every man would be greater than his natural strength can offer him. Faith comes by hearing the word of God so we have regular times of bible study together and as well share thoughts, testimonies, issues amongst ourselves ultimately to edify each other. Talk about doing something entirely new and you will hear the rumblings of inadequacy but as we look to the one who gave each of us our assignments here on earth, faith overtakes fear, divine grace provides for and kills the sense of inadequacy and we ultimately become giants and overcomers. Greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.


We are committed to building strong families that form the building blocks of a good and stable society. We look at the various area of family life and how work, society, business, events and many other things tend to impact on the time that we spend building family relationships and encourage men to prioritise time with family. Children learn by examples and the role models that they have and it is a God given responibility to the men amongst us to lead a flourishing home through loving our wives as Christ loved the church and being there to raise their children in the manner God wants.


Here the men must take on the full challenge of being chief stewards of the finance that God has committed to their homes. It is a three fold call – acquire, sow and keep, and pass it on. Whether a professional or a businessman every man at City of David is taught to carry on his business with an excellent mind. As a man offers the best of service and product, he commands more resources. We are also practical about money and how to increase in it.

While all of the these may seem like the goals, they are not. They are the means to fulfilling a spiritual role from a practical perspective. The heart of the matter is our hearts and it is really that we must become like David – a man after God’s heart.
